Selfemptying sampler  SP5 A.

Selfemptying sampler  SP5 A.

Further product information

  • U-system (patented system) for sampling >10 m suction height
  • Vacuum booster system with Vacuum system up to 25 m suction height
  • 2 x 10 l PE
  • 4 x 5 l PE
  • 12 x 1,6 l GlassDuran50
  • 24 x 2 l Glass Duran50

Tender Text

tender text- E-SP5 A Zone2 2x10

tender text- E-SP5 A

Brochures & Manuals

Image-brochure MAXX

Brochure Stationary Samplers

Manual SP5 B-S-M-A-F-MS

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Additional information: